The National Museum of Medicine of Ukraine, one of Europe’s largest medical museums, has joined an International call for support for Ukrainian museums, which face imminent threat of destruction. Courageous team members in Ukrainian museums are working against the clock to protect, move and where necessary digitally record collections – and they need help. With the assistance of the Instytut Pawła Włodkowica in Poland, an account has been created to accept donations for materials for Ukrainian Museums which will be distributed to the museums by Polish volunteers.
Anyone wishing to donate to support Ukrainian Museums can do so by sending donations to the account number: 76 1050 1575 1000 0090 8156 1491 Receiver PAUL THE WŁOD INSTITUTE with a note ‘Donation for the Museums of Ukraine’.
Ukraine’s contribution to the history of medicine has been important – including one of the pioneers of Epidemiology, Danylo Zabolotny – and founded upon the international cooperation and common humanity of medicine. We salute their courage in risking their own safety to preserve the culture and heritage of Ukraine and wish them peace, safety and victory.
August Update – thanks to donations received from supporters (including here in Leeds), in the first 5 months of the war, the Committee for Ukrainian Museums has been able to support 85 institutions – including:
- transport of 20 tons of crate construction materials
- supply of 400 fire extinguishers
- supply of fire blankets and packaging materials in cooperation with the European Parliament
- beginning production of online training for Ukraininan museums in conservation, digitisation and exhibit creation – see this link for an example